Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Modified clothing for Tubies

I wanted to take a minute to discuss and share my experience with modified clothing for tube fed children. I have never heard of modified clothing before a few weeks ago. It is possible to go through life without using any modified clothing, but using it does make it a lot easier. Caelyn's first piece on clothing was an adorable modified onesie that we had won by a referral game through Button Patches Wear. Let me tell you, that onesie had made life so much easier for that one day! We know longer had to undress her everytime we needed access to her button. She also puts strips on her onesies to guide the tube so that the kids don't constantly pull on the tube. She has tons of cute designs and she will even do custom orders. I plan on ordering many more from her in the near future! Please go "Like" Button Patches Wear and tell her that I sent you =)

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