Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Brief Update

Sorry I have not had the time to post as much as I would like. We are trying to get out and enjoy the weather as much as we can!

Things seem to be going very well for Caelyn! We took a trip to the Columbus and Zoombeezi Bay. She wasn't interested in much at the zoo except for the fish. She was absolutely fascinated by the fish! She even did the interactive experience. Caelyn touched a sea urchin, a hermit crab, and a starfish. She even got us in trouble with the starfish because she picked it up and took it out of the water! Guess she just wanted to take home a pet ;)

We watched the fireworks on the Fourth and Caelyn enjoyed them. She slept through the first 5 minutes and then woke up with a coughing spell. Once she was awake, she was fascinated by them. Every time one would go off, she would giggle out loud. It was so cute to watch!

From a medical perspective, Caelyn is doing really well. Her doctors are considering removing her trach this coming fall. She has to go back at the end of the month for a follow-up. We are hoping for good news! She is also going to be going to see a G.I. doctor soon because she has been having blood in her stomach frequently and the doctors can't find an active source of bleeding. G.I. will probably want to do a scope, and we are hoping that they don't find anything serious!

Caelyn is doing really well with her therapies. She finally gets to start OT next week so we are really excited about that! Speech has been going really well. Caelyn is learning the concept of communication being a two-way thing and it is so awesome watching her learn. She might not be able to express herself quite yet, but its amazing how smart she is! She has been learning to eat fruit loops, rice krispies, jello, and lots of other fun things in therapy. Of course she hates it, but she is making really good progress! PT is also going really good. She is starting to stand, which is awesome because before she would not bear any weight on her legs at all. She is also trying to learn to push up on her hands. Caelyn has also begun using switch toys. She hits a very sensitive button with her hand and it lights up, vibrates, and plays music. I just love watching her learn and interact! She is just so amazing to me!!

She had her check-up with the pedi today. She is 22lbs and 12ozs. She is 31 inches long. She is getting so big! I will post more next week, she is cutting 5 teeth and she got two shots today so I have one grumpy baby to take care of!!


  1. That's great to hear about the possible removal of her trach this fall. I hope they figure out what is causing the bleeding and it is nothing serious.

    She is improving so much that is awesome to hear.

  2. What a beautiful little angel you have!!!

  3. Thank you very much! She is pretty special =)
